Parents cradling newborn baby feet

A Pharmacist’s Guide for First-Time Parents

Becoming a parent for the first time is highly rewarding, but also very daunting. You might be overwhelmed by the sheer volume of new information you have to process, especially when sleep-deprived, so we wanted to share how your local pharmacist could support you during this emotional time.

We’ve compiled a pharmacist’s guide for first time parents to help you navigate this journey from getting the right nutrients during pregnancy to dealing with your baby’s first cold. Heading to your GP every time you have a concern might not always be the best solution taking more of your time and struggling to book an appointment. Always feel free to see if your pharmacist could help first.

Pharmacists are trained, medical professionals. They can offer advice and support to first-time parents. Searching on Google for advice might leave you more confused than before you started, but a trip [or call] to the pharmacist can help to cut through the noise and give you just the facts.

First Time Parents Guide from Live Well Nationwide

Baby Essentials

Knowing which items are essential and which are non-essential can be overwhelming for new parents. Many first time parents will spend money on expensive items that they never use. If you’re confused about what you need to have ready when you bring your child home, these are the items our Pharmacists advise you have prepared:

  • Thermometer
  • Nasal aspirator
  • Baby paracetamol (from 2 months, weighing more than 4kg and not premature)
  • Barrier cream
  • Medicated cream
  • Baby shampoo and soap
  • Nursing pads

You can view our full range of Mother & Baby Products here.

Medicine Safety Advice

Your pharmacist can start supporting you from the very start of your journey into parenthood. Pregnant women are often very cautious about taking medicines during pregnancy. It can be difficult to know which medicines are safe and which ones to avoid and which might interact with one another.

If you’re confused about medicine safety during pregnancy, after pregnancy, or for your child, your pharmacist can help. They can guide you towards the right medications for particular conditions and offer advice and support on existing medications. If in doubt, it’s always worth checking with an expert before taking anything.

Nutrition & Supplements

Both parents need to take care of their health on the run-up to the birth. Women, in particular, are at risk of nutritional deficiencies, so supplements could be considered, and non-birthing partners may also suffer from low energy due to poor diet and lack of sleep.

Your pharmacist can advise on the best combination of supplements to keep you both fighting fit and ready to take care of your newborn.

Breastfeeding Advice

Choosing between nursing and bottle feeding can be quite a struggle. When you’re surrounded by so much unwelcome, but well-meaning advice from friends, family it’s helpful to be able to hear a more neutral approach. Your pharmacist can provide advice and support on breastfeeding and bottle feeding to help you feel more confident.

Your pharmacist is also a great place to stock up on breastfeeding essentials such as nursing pads, nipple balm, breast pumps, feeding bottles, baby formula and muslin cloths.

Baby Basics

Even something as simple as nappy rash can trouble a new parent, but with the support of your pharmacist, you can get answers to even the most basic questions about caring for your child.

If you live in a remote area or struggle to get to the pharmacist, you can turn to online pharmacies like us at Live Well Nationwide for advice and support throughout pregnancy and when you bring your child home. 

It takes a village to raise a child, so make sure you’re making the most of the resources available to you. Even if a pharmacist only offers peace of mind that you are making the right choices for your child, this can be some much-needed reassurance no matter the question. 


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